
你的位置:日本鬼父第三季 > 女同 > 自慰 自拍 2021年(夏日)国际商议生学位论文答辩责任安排Arrangement of Dissertation Defense for International Graduate Students in 2021 (Summer)

自慰 自拍 2021年(夏日)国际商议生学位论文答辩责任安排Arrangement of Dissertation Defense for International Graduate Students in 2021 (Summer)

发布日期:2024-09-28 00:03    点击次数:82

自慰 自拍 2021年(夏日)国际商议生学位论文答辩责任安排Arrangement of Dissertation Defense for International Graduate Students in 2021 (Summer)

2021年(夏日)国际商议生学位论文答辩责任安排自慰 自拍



1. 合乎学位论文答辩条款的博士、硕士国际商议生,在学位论文送审成果复返后,即可组织开展学位论文答辩责任。

2. 国际博士、硕士商议生学位论文答辩要乞降经由参照《陕西科技大学国际商议生学位授予详情(试行)》进行。


3. 有计划到部分国际学生仍淹留在外洋,学位论文答辩可采纳线上线下搀和方式进行,可选择带有文献分享的视频会议平台,如ZOOM、腾讯会议、钉钉等。

4. 插足答辩的国际商议生应战胜学院安排,熟识学位论文答辩平台和答辩经由,提前将关联答辩材料(含学位论文电子版等)提供给答辩文书,并由答辩文书交答辩委员会成员。

5. 答辩文书需提前掌持答辩智商和要求,线上答辩平台的使用本领,崇敬使答辩委员会成员熟识关联平台的操作,并作念好答辩纪录以及答辩过程中关联影像贵寓(至少有答辩学生及答辩委员会的关联截屏或相片)的留存责任。

6. 学院需提前三天将系数插足答辩的国际商议生答辩安排表(含答辩委员会名单、答辩时刻、答辩所在或答辩平台及会议连结等)提交国际西宾学院备案。

7. 国际西宾学院将安排督导对各学院学位论文答辩责任组织过程进行监督和查验。

8. 校内国际商议生可于各学院领取纸质版答辩材料,校外插足答辩的国际商议生填写电子版答辩材料,并在答辩前、答辩中、答辩后确乎填写关联信息,按照归档要求,答辩委员、沟通教师和学生要求手签(在外洋的国际商议生可使用电子签名),然后交所在学院国际交流文书,由学院按照要求整理后提交国际西宾学院。



Arrangement of Dissertation Defense for International Graduate Students in 2021 (Summer)

Colleges, supervisors and international graduate students who intend to apply for a degree this semester:

In order to smoothly promote and ensure the progress of the international graduate degree award in 2021 (summer), under the premise of ensuring the quality of the dissertation and combining with actual requirements, the international graduate dissertation defense work arrangements are notified as follows:

1. International graduate students who meet the requirements for dissertation defense could attend the college organized dissertation defense after the results of the dissertation submission is returned.

2. International doctoral and master's degree thesis defense requirements and procedures should be conducted in accordance with " International Graduate Degree Awarding Rules of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology (Trial) ".

3. Considering that some international students are still staying abroad, the dissertation defense can be conducted in a both online and offline manner. Video conference platforms with file sharing, such as ZOOM, Tencent meeting, DingTalk could be chosen.

4. International graduate students that participated in the defense should obey the school's arrangements. In briefly, you should be familiar with the dissertation defense platform and defense process, and provide relevant defense materials (including the electronic version of the dissertation, etc.) to the defense secretary in advance. Subsequently, the defense secretary will submit defense materials to the defense committee members.

5. The school defense secretary needs to master the dissertation defense procedures and requirements in advance such as online use of defense platform with the members of defense committee and students. Furthermore, the secretary should prepare defense records and preserve the relevant video materials in the process (It at least contains screenshots or photos of the defense students and the committees) .

6. The school must submit the defense schedule of all international graduate students participating in the defense (including the list of defense committee, time, location or platform and conference link, etc.) to the College of International Education for record three days in advance.

7. The College of International Education will arrange supervisors to supervise and inspect the organization process of the dissertation defense of each school.

8. International graduate students on campus can collect paper defense materials from each school. International graduate students that participated in the defense off campus can fill in the electronic defense materials. What's more, graduate students should fill in the relevant information truthfully before, during and after the defense, according to the filling requirements, defense members, supervisors and students require hand-signed (electronic signatures can be used for international graduate students abroad), and then submit it to the international exchange secretary of the school. Finally, defense materials must be submit to the College of International Education after sorting out by the school.

College of International Education

May 12, 2021

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